Sterling Stowers has been hired as Rebel Football Head Coach for the 23-24season. A spokes-person for the district said, “We are thrilled to have Coach Stowers take on this new role and are extremely confident in his ability to lead his team to many successes in the future. His love for football, Rebel sports, and his team is evident day in and day out. ”When asked about becoming head coach, Stowers said, “I am beyond ex-cited about being named the head coach of the pro-gram that I grew up in! It is an absolute dream come true. I look forward to the future of the Rebel football program. Go Rebels!” : Stowers is a name that’s been heard around Rebel Nation for a very longtime, and is still a name that’s heard daily at Highland High School. Coach Sterling Stowers is in his sixth year as a coach in the district. In his six years, he’s coached football, baseball, soft ball, and both girls’ and boys’ basketball. As a teacher, Coach Stowers in-structs the school’s Strength and Conditioning classes working with all athletes in the district. He’s made a significant difference in all of our athletic programs. Stowers currently serves as the head coach for the seventh-grade Rebels and is the Offensive Coordinator for both Junior and Senior High. As a former Rebel athlete, he was a member of the basketball, football, and baseball teams. He was excellent at all three sports, but he was definitely a standout when it came to football. After graduation from Highland, he furthered his academic and football careers at Arkansas State University where he played the position of wide receiver. He earned a Bachelor’s degree in Physical Education and Health and a Master’s degree in Athletic Administration. One of his players described Stowers as a father figure. He said, “I can confidently say that Coach Stowers is my biggest fan. He’s the biggest fan of everyone on our team. He’s a true leader. I respect him and listen to him because his ways are proven. He’s been here. He was great, and he knows what it takes.” The same player also noted, “He’s just a good example of how to be a good man, too. He’s very humble. He knows how to man up and admit when he makes a mistake. And he learns from it. ”As a coach, Stowers looks for players that are competitive, determined, and driven. He wants players with good character. He also knows that he has to consistently set this example for his guys. Another Reb-el said, “He teaches us to be driven, goal-oriented… both on the field and off. He’s an all-around great guy that I will always look up to.”