The Sixth Annual Jackson Strong #Pay-itForward Golf Tournament will be held on June3 at Turkey Mountain Golf Course in Horseshoe Bend. It will be a three man scramble at $150 per team, however that does not cover the cart fee. There be a 9 a.m. shotgun start this year. Donuts and coffee will be provided that morning and lunch will be available. Due to a generous donation from Spring River Fine Furniture in the Highland Shop-ping Center golfers will have the opportunity to win a brand new Ashley Recliner this year. The family would like to thank all of our sponsors. Many have been with them since the first year and this tournament could not be the success it is without those fine sponsors. The tournament will benefit eight families this year with a total of $10,750 and are awarding eight scholarships this year for a total of $4000. A total of 29 families have been helped for a total of $49,727.85 and 33 scholarships for a total of $16,000.This years scholar-ship winners will be announced at a later date due to the fact some schools have not had their award ceremonies yet and we don’t want to spoil the surprise. If you would like to play in this years tournament you can call the Pro Shop at 870-670-5252 to register. Golfers are encouraged to reserve their carts early due to the limited number available. Those with their own carts please make arrangements to use them if possible. Last year some teams had to be turned away be-cause carts weren’t available and the tournament never wants todo that. Each year this tournament has grown in donations and the amount of teams playing. The family hopes to continue that with this years tournament. Call the Pro Shop to get your team signed up for this years tournament. If you would like to be one of this years sponsors please call870-670-5121 or 870-750-0697.The scholarship is in honor of the late Nathan Jackson.

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Tammy Curtis