CASE #25CV-24-146

Ronnie Mellon and Diana Mellon, PLAINTIFF


Eric J. Markway AND ALL THAT PART OF SECTIONS 28, 29, 32 AND 33 OF TOWNSHIP 20 NORTH, RANGE 6 WEST IN FULTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS:  Beginning at a point in the  NE¼NE¼ of Section 32 which is South of the existing  roadway which is the access to the building commonly  known as The Saddle Store; thence, along and past the  South boundary of that road, to an existing fence line;  thence Northerly, along said fence line, to the North line  of property described in a Warranty Deed recorded in the Real Estate Records of Fulton County, Arkansas as Instrument #2023-4568; thence N88°51’50”W to the East right  of way of Highway 289; thence South, along said right of  way, to the Point of Beginning.  DEFENDANTS



Notice is hereby given that a Petition has been filed in the office of the Circuit Clerk of Fulton County, Arkansas, to quiet the title to the following described property in Fulton County, Arkansas:

ALL THAT PART OF SECTIONS 28, 29, 32 AND 33 OF TOWNSHIP 20 NORTH, RANGE 6 WEST IN FULTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS:  Beginning at a point in the NE¼NE¼ of Section 32 which is South of the existing roadway which is the access to the building commonly known as The Saddle Store; thence, along and past the South boundary of that road, to an existing fence line; thence Northerly, along said fence line, to the North line of property described in a Warranty Deed recorded in the Real Estate Records of Fulton County, Arkansas as Instrument #2023-4568; thence N88°51’50”W to the East right of way of Highway 289; thence South, along said right of way, to the Point of Beginning.

Any person claiming any title or interest of any kind to such property is hereby notified to appear herein on or before 45 days after the first insertion herein, to assert his or her title or interest in such property and to demonstrate why the title to said lands should not be confirmed in Plaintiff herein.

WITNESS my hand and seal of the Court this 23rd day of December, 2024.


By:  Vickie Bishop, Circuit Clerk

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