Spring River Art Gallery will be hosting a 50 percent off sale.

The Spring River Art Gallery(SRAG), located at 300 East Main Street in Hardy, Ark. opened for the 2022 season on March 4.  

SRAG has new art work, a couple of new artists, and a warm welcome for everyone who visits.  Come visit and enjoy a quiet walk through the gallery that is housed in a historic 107 year old home. 

SRAG will also be holding a March Madness sale. There will be a 50 percent off red tag sale for the entire month of March.

Customers will have the opportunity to purchase a special painting at 50 percent  off the original price.  All red tag pieces will be clearly marked.

“You might just find a piece of art that you can’t live without,” a spokesman for the gallery said.  Look for our purple painted porch railings and the BIG “Art” sign. They are also located on the web www.springriverartistsguild.com and on Facebook.