Strawberry River Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution Officers, front from left: Lana Rodgers, Jan Lusk and Clara Ballard. Back from left, Margo Lusk, Janelle Swan, Patty Sample, Cynthia Clow-Elliott and Trixy Dean.

Strawberry River Chapter DAR met Saturday, June 4, 2022, with 13 members and one guest in attendance. 

Following the opening ritual and treasurer’s report, members approved the minutes from the April meeting.

Changes and updates to the chapter bylaws were approved as recommended by the bylaws committee and are now in effect.  Members made plans for the 2022-2023 service year by discussing meeting dates, locations, and programs. Chapter meetings will resume in September.

The 2022-2025 Chapter Officers as installed by Honorary Chapter Regent Carol Buttry are as follows: Regent-Jan Lusk, Vice Regent-Lana Rodgers, Recording and Corresponding Secretary-Margo Lusk, Chaplain-Clara Ballard, Registrar-Cynthia Clow-Elliott, Treasurer-Janelle Swan, Historian-Patty Sample, and Librarian-Trixy Dean.

Strawberry River is a small chapter covering Sharp, Izard, and Fulton Counties. We work to fulfill the three objectives of DAR which are Education, Historic Preservation, and Patriotism as established in 1890 by our founding members. 

 Any woman 18 years or older, regardless of race, religion, or ethnic background, who can prove lineal descent from a patriot of the American Revolution is eligible for membership. Contact Jan Lusk at 870-847-0548 or Cynthia Clow-Elliott at 870-750-0874 for information.