Salem eighth graders Huntlee York and Colton Smith earned their way to qualify to fish in the biggest fishing tournament possible, the Bassmaster High School Classic last August. This is the “Super Bowl” of fishing. Only nine teams qualify for this event. The tournament is held in Knoxville, Ken. To help with the expenses of the trip, a fundraiser for a Beretta A300 Mossy Oak Bottomland with a value of over $1500is underway. Tickets are $10 each or six for $50. To purchase tickets, call, Nicole York, 870-371-0177;Mandy Smith, 870-371-2426; Trapper York, 870-371-0681;or Jamie Smith, 870-750-0054. The winner will be responsible for all legal paperwork and picking up gun in Salem at Tower Hill Guns. In August, they competed in Bass-master High School National Championship. They were the youngest team of the year and double qualified for this national tournament from winning the Bassmaster Central Open and finishing fifth at the State Tournament. As eighth graders they made the decision to move up to the high school division.