By: Tammy Curtis, Managing Editor

To the surprise of many, the First Son, Hunter Biden walked in the doors of the Independence County Courthouse May 1. In tow was his team of attorneys noticeably holding a large bound book bear-ing the words “Hunter Biden Laptop”. Biden was in court after Circuit Judge Holly Meyer was adamant that he and his attorneys appear in court in Batesville on a contempt of court charge that resulted from Biden’s own re-opening of the child custody case of his biological four year old daughter, Navy in Sept. 2022,The preceding was set to ad-dress several items, including whether or not Biden was in contempt of court. Judge Meyer opened then early two hour long hearing to address several items. One was to allow Biden’s new Washington, D.C. based Abbe David Lowell to also serve as his attorney. Meyer granted the motion and Lowell, who was present served as co-council with Biden’s current attorney Brent M. Langdon. The court moved for-ward to discuss information redacted from documents within the case. Biden’s attorneys cited a potential leak of redacted information regarding statements made about information about Biden’s tax documents that the Daily Mail referenced after the April hearing requiring redaction of person-al information. Meyer immediately said she couldn’t be responsible for information media sources might get on their own but was adamant the information did not come from her court. “I can’t gag the whole world,” the judge explained, but assured them she felt the Biden size was abusing the right to redact personal information. Lowell explained he was concerned with the impression the redactions would give the world. “We deal in facts, not in conjuncture. I am not concerned with the worlds impression,” she said warning both sides only personal information would be redacted. She then moved onto the contempt claim against Biden by the biological mother of his child, Lunden Roberts, who was present with her team husband wife attorney team Clinton and Jennifer Lancaster. Judge Meyer explained any and all motions for contempt must be refiled and ac-companied by supporting documentation that is very specific as well as a letter with a Motion for Show Cause. Next on the day’s agenda was a motion filed to disqualify Former Trump Whitehouse Aid, Garrett Zeigler as an expert witness. As the hearing resulted in a lot of back and forth between both sides, in the end Myer set hard dates in which she said she expects both sides to adhere too, Any discovery items missing or incorrectly submitted from both sides, which includes financial information and attorney work sheets is to be submitted to the court by May 12.Depositions of Ziegler and any third party wit-nesses for Roberts will take place on June 13-16 at Lancaster’s Little Rock Law Firm. Pretrial motions are set to be heard on June23 with trial set for July23-26.After first being penned down as the biological father of the girl and then finally agreeing to pay what was until the May 1 hearing and un-disclosed and sealed amount of $20,000 per month, including child support retroactive to the child’s 2018 birth. Biden first reopened the case seeking to have his child support reduced. Biden’s filing states, “Since the entry of the existing child support order there has been a substantial material change in the Movant’s financial circumstances, including but not limited to his income, such that the prior child support calculation is not in compliance with Revised Administrative Order10, 2020 Ark. 131,which became effective immediately on July 1,2020. This situation justifies and necessitates granting this motion for the Court to set child support pursuant to Revised Administrative Order 10 or at such other amount as the Court may deter-mine is appropriate.” Yet, Biden has yet to provide the proof of the alleged reduction in income on which the court could reset the child support amount, which has been sealed. After the filing, Roberts, through her attorneys Clinton W. And Jennifer Lancaster, filed a secondary motion in the case on Dec. 27 to have Navy’s last name changed to Biden. The court filing states “The child would benefit from carrying the Biden family name, just like her father and other family members.” The motion continues to explain changing the child’s last name to Biden would “greatly impact and preserve her legacy as a member of the Biden family.” Biden was ordered by Meyer to appear in person after not com-plying with previous orders. Judge Meyer’s stipulations were that he was to appear in person for this hearing and any future hearings associated with the custody case. Hunter has continually ignored court orders, beginning when he was ordered to submit to paternity testing in2019.

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Tammy Curtis